Mon, 06 August 2018
Mon, 06 August 2018
DT Hall
The Dagana Dzongkhag Waste Management Committee organized one day "Waste Management Awareness Programme" on 8 June 2018. Dasho Dzongdag graced the programme. Waste Management Women Group comprising of 27 women from Daga Throm, Waste Management Club coordinator and the club members of Daga Central School attended the programme. The doctor from Daga BHU presented on Health issues related to Waste, the Dzongkhag Agriculture Officer taught the participants how to prepare vermi compost out of kitchen waste and the Dzongkhag Education Officer covered on various waste management ideas and plans. The participants at the end of programme promised to serve as an ambassador and help community to manage waste properly and keep Dagana Dzongkhag green and clean. They also ensured to ban the use of plastic bags in shops, value addition to plastic waste, make vermi compost out of kitchen waste and plant flowers to keep their place green and clean.