Lhamoizingkha Dungkhag at a Glance 2024

About Dungkhag
Lhamoizingkhag Dungkhag ( Kalikhola) was established in the year 1952 . Lhamoyzingkha Dungkhag covers from BP 104 (Raidak West Bengal) to BP 128 ( Ranganala, Gosaigaon Assam).
Dungkhag Old structure

Lhamoizingkha Dungkhag is located at the south of the Dzongkhag and it comprises of 3 gewogs. It shares its boundary with West Bengal and Assam, India.
The Dungkhag experiences cool temperature during winter and hot and humid throughout monsoon season. It receives heavy precipitation in the month of July.
The strategic location and proximity of Lhamoizingkha to the Indian Border has a great advantage to the people of this place.
The markets on the Indian side not only serve as market outlets for the products from the gewogs but also as places where the people of the gewogs could buy their households items at cheaper prices.
The Dungkhag Administration upholds the following core values:
- Honesty, Integrity, Loyalty, Dedication, Fairness and Professionalism
- Transparency, Accountability, Efficiency, Leadership
- Teamwork
- People Friendly
The Dungkhag Administration has to accomplish the following mandates to materialize its Vision and Missions:
- To guide in the matters relating Policy of Culture and infrastructural Development in the area of Culture.
- Reducing Crime and maintain Safe and Security of people.
- Disseminate and implementation of policies, acts, rules and regulation in all matters.
- Ensures efficient administration of all three Gewogs.
- Provide efficient service delivery by facilitating in compilation of land and census related issues.
- Coordinate and facilitate the implementations of all planed activities in the three gewogs.
- Coordinate and play a lead role in ensuring the safe and security of the place.
- Maintain PRs with the counterparts of Assam and West Bengal
- Monitor and ensure that the BPs are all intact and keep the government informed about the BPs( Boundary Pillars)
- Render supports to the people plying in Indian soil during emergencies.
- Submission of timely and true situational report to the government.
Name of Dungpas served in Lhamoizingkha Dungkhag.
Lists of Staff working under Lhamoizingkha Dungkhag